Many people comment on NOM's blog. I unfortunately am unable to do so. Something about NOM censoring comments and refusing to post any from this IP. Thusly, I think I will point out how commenters are wrong.
Here is a winner from a commenter named
Pseudo-marriage is not a right, and anyone who loves America would not voluntarily contribute to its demise by supporting it."
First of all, referring to gay marriage as "pseudo-marriage" is very mature, Barb. But let's address the crux of your argument, which is the No True Scotsman logical fallacy. By saying that anyone who loves America would not support gay marriage, you insinuate that people who supports gay marriage hates America. Nothing could be further from the truth. I actively support marriage equality, and I proudly honor my country each and every day. However, I will note that this is a great tactic to try and rally support to your side.
Here's another one from someone named P. Edward Murray
Someone once said that you can lie with numbers well the same can be said about depends on how you phrase the question.
What can't be denied is the fact that when a State has the chance to vote for or against gay marriage, it is always the same is voted down!
That, in and of itself should speak volumes but if that doesn't then you have to pose the question to these activists if voting matters?
Does it matter in California where the people voted against gay marriage?
These proponents of gay marriage are Totalitarians just like their bretheren in the old USSR and Red China!"
Yes, that is true that states who have decided marriage equality based on popular vote have voted it down. However, I would like to point out that the United States is not a true democracy. It is a constitutional based federal republic with a strong democratic tradition. That means that what is voted on needs to be in-line with the constitution, which ends up on one's interpretation of the fourteenth amendment (whether or not equal protection under the law protects sexuality). I believe it does. Those who argue it is not immutable do not believe it is protected. I, for one, cannot blame them. If Michael Jackson can change his race from black to white, so can a gay man become straight. I'd also like the point out that at no point was a public vote held to end slavery, extend suffrage to women, or to end segregation. Presumably a sane person, Mr. Murray is anti-slavery, pro women's rights, and anti-colored-drinking-fountain. And yet none of these were voted on by popular vote. It is also a bit hypocritical that Mr. Murray accuses SSM supporters of being Totalitarians.
Totalitarian: of or pertaining to a centralized government that does not tolerate parties of differing opinion and that exercisesdictatorial control over many aspects of life.
Mr. Murray is presumably a NOM supporter, who supports their pledge which includes a request to set up a committee to find out if people have been harassed by SSM supporters. That, and a federal amendment banning SSM. Irony? Oh, and the communism joke is quite appreciated, given that neither Russia nor China have same sex marriage.
Let's keep going with another comment from Barb