Wednesday, September 14, 2011

NOM's own echo-chamber

All of which serves to create the desired "echo chamber" effect:
report by the Media Consortium detailed how progressives had created an "echo chamber" of outlets "in which a message pushes the larger public or the mainstream media to acknowledge, respond, and give airtime to progressive ideas because it is repeated many times." According to the report called "The Big Thaw," "if done well, the message within the echo chamber can become the accepted meme, impact political dynamics, shift public opinion and change public policy."

NOM accuses George Soros of an echo-chamber effect? It's funny, since NOM does the exact same thing (Ruth Institute is deeply connected to NOM, as part of it's "education fund").  And if that wasn't enough, NOM constantly blogs or tweets when it gets coverage in other media. Except when it's bad

I wouldn't be upset about this, but don't accuse others of a tactic that you yourself are doing. But then again, when you are desperate for attention as NOM is, then you're allowed to go against your own words. 

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