Monday, November 7, 2011

Cain not signing marriage pledge

Steve Deace writes at TownHall:

Cain has refused to sign the National Organization for Marriage’s pledge, and told CNN’s Piers Morgan he would not protect marriage as president. Cain’s campaign hid the fact one of its top advisers was a homosexual activist. If all of these facts were applicable to a Democrat, how many of those currently complaining about a smear campaign against Cain would be saying the exact opposite, and demanding a thorough explanation from that candidate or that he get out of the race? (

Really? Attacking Cain because of the PRIVATE life of one of his advisors? Suggesting that that would influence his political opinions? Wow, NOM, that's low. And also completely ignoring the fact that people who HAVE signed the pledge (Perry, Santorum, Bachmann, Pawlenty) have kinda died in the polls and are at this point considered longshots to win the nomination. There's also Romney, who flipflops on everything and is blatantly pandering towards the right-wing base to try and win the nomination. I'm not saying that the marriage pledge IS A DEATH SENTENCE TO ONE'S CANDIDACY, all I am saying is that the people who HAVE signed it have fallen considerably in the polls since signing it.

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