Thursday, September 15, 2011

NY Clerks and Marriage Licenses

People for the American Way Foundation (PFAW) is threatening legal action against a New York town unless its clerk starts issuing same-sex marriage licenses — or resigns.
Rose Marie Belforti made national headlines last month when she announced that her Christian beliefs would not allow her to sign same-sex marriage licenses, and that a deputy clerk would now fulfill this particular task.
According to PFAW, Belforti has committed a misdemeanor for refusing to personally issue two women a marriage license on Aug. 30. If the board fails to force Belforti to “perform her essential duties” or resign, the liberal advocacy group vows to take legal action on the women’s behalf.

So, NOM has decided to take the side of Ms. Beiforti in this scenario of Ms. Beiforti refusing to do her job based on moral reasons. It's funny because NOM attacked Obama for doing the same with DOMA. I guess so long as it's "defending marriage," any tactic is okay. Of course, if Maggie or Brian wishes to dispute this, I would love the chance to present an interview on this blog so that they might explain the double standards of their organization.

And this wouldn't be complete without ignorant comments from the site, so, let's begin with one from Michael Ejercito
Just like the NYC government forced its police department to issue pistol permits to those not legally prohibited from carrying pistols?

So, Mr. Ejercito, in your mind, the proliferation of gay marriage in the state of New York is similar to the proliferation of handguns in New York City? That certainly reveals the feelings of Mr. Ejercito towards gay marriage and it's impact on society.

Here is a comment from Louis E.

Like the ACLU,PFAW is a group my family *used* to support,until they got involved in issues where we were not in agreement with their stand...

Yeah, why would anyone want to support an organization whose stated purpose is to protect the rights of Americans everywhere?

Last one, from TC Matthews.

Live and let live right? Why is it so necessary to *force* everyone into agreement? It's not enough to force the redefinition of marriage on the nation, but we all have to like it too. Ridiculous.

This one requires a little more dissection.

1). Live and let live? Sort of like this marriage clerk is doing? 
2). It's not forcing anyone into a moral agreement, it is just trying to get Ms. Belforti to do the job she was elected to do. 
3). You don't have to like it, you merely have to abide by the law. For example, I find it absolutely appalling that there are speed limits on the road. I do not agree with them morally (why should the government tell me how fast I can go?). And yet if I break the law, I get in trouble. Weird, right?
4). The only thing ridiculous is the outrage of Mr. Matthews, surpassed only by the sheer inanity of NOM for implicitly defending someone deliberately not doing her job. 

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