I hope there are complaints to the FCC, advertisers and network. This is brainwashing and corrupting the minds of young TV viewers.
The couples losing their virginity? Finn and Rachel and…Kurt and Blaine! Yep, the couple — who was featured on the cover of [Entertainment Weekly]’s Gay Teens on TV issue – finally decide to take the next step in their relationship. It’s all handled very delicately and is incredibly moving. I can’t think of another network series that’s taken a teenage gay relationship so far or been so progressive. The moment is instigated when another teen, Warbler member Sebastian (Grant Gustin), aggressively pursues Blaine. The trio actually have a very amusing triple date to West Lima’s only gay bar Scandals and run into none other than Karofsky (Max Adler). Look for a great moment between Karofsky and Kurt.
What does this have to do with marriage? This just furthers my earlier point that NOM has a deep animus towards gays and ANY portrayal of them on television. Let's look at some comments so far, but believe me there will be more to come later in the day.
Here's a brilliant one from j. fox
Monday, November 7, 2011
Sex on Glee and NOM's animus
You hope people complain about a gay sex scene on TV because it is "brainwashing". I really don't think I need to say anything further, his own idiocy speaks for itself. Here's another one from Louis E., a self-proclaimed anti-gay democrat.
EW should get complaints about the use of the word "progressive".
Your complaining about using a word in an article is hilarious. It's almost like your a devout-Glenn Beck follower. And I happen to think acceptance of homosexuality is very progressive.
Here's another winner from Jeff
If the producers of GLEE get away with this, then it won't be long before other producers of other programs will do the same. It won't be long before homsexual couples get married on TV programs. So yes, we need to stand against what the producers of GLEE are doing. It has EVERYTHING to do with marriage.
Thank you for answering what it has to do with marriage. I would like to point out that in 2002 the World Wrestling Federation (now WWE) had a gay couple almost get married on TV, so I don't see what your issue is. And honestly, gay marriage is part of life. Accept it. Showing it on TV isn't a bad thing.
Here's a good one from BDW
The lbgt doesnt get it. We that believe that marriage is between a man and woman, and we that do not approve of or support homosexual life styles are sick and tired of having it shoved in our faces,of having you agressively attack our beliefs, of you agressively indoctrinating our children fromm hollywood to high school. We will not be silent. We will not just go away.
No, we get it, but let's be honest here for a moment. It's not being shoved in your faces anymore than homosexual people have heterosexual life shoved in their face everyday. We don't attack your beliefs, we question the merits behind your beliefs. And it is not "indoctrinating" your children. It is giving them information that gay people do exist, are quite happy, and lead happy lives. The shear ANIMUS you show in wanting them irradiated from television is mind-boggling.
Here's a good one from M. Jones
Is this really the kind of pseudo reality we want to promote? How can we have a marriage society for supporting the begetting of children when we are encouraging a lifestyle of teenage Sodomy? We have lost our moral compass, I hope the GOP can and will fix this in 2012.
How is this pseudo reality? Gay people have sex. Gay marriage exists in 6 states and in the District of Columbia. And honestly? You're disapproving of how people have sex? I can't think of anything MORE BIG GOVERNMENT than that. Good luck with the GOP, bedroom-monitor. (P.S. Give it a try, it is amazing)
I do think the post of the day comes from John, tho
It has everything to do with marriage. This show makes homosexuality look normal and natural. If it looks normal and natural, then there should be no problem with allowing gay marriage. Problem is, it's not natural, and it's not normal. 3% is not normal.
Thank you again for pointing out what it has to do with marriage. But my question for you is, why is abnormal bad? Are buildings natural or normal? They don't naturally occur in nature, after all. Fact is, it is natural and it is perfectly normal. Your 3% figure might be off, but it begs the question: what percentage qualifies as "normal"? I want a serious answer to this so I know who I can discriminate against without concern.
More to come as these comments get posted. Seriously, this is comedic gold. It is my fondest wish that someone would publish all of these comments in a book just to show how full of animus NOM and its supporters are, as well as how ludicrous their arguments are.
Here's another winner from Louis E
Wren,there is no excuse for anyone (including homosexuals) NOT to be "antigay".The "gay" attitude toward homosexuality is totally incorrect and any action in accordance with it,accommodation of it,or uncritical presentation of it is harmful.(Noting again,I am a non-religious lifelong Democrat).
Oh Louis E., thank you for admitting that you are antigay. You just admitted there's no excuse not to be antigay. Your animus and the fact that NOM allows such blatant homophobia to be displayed on it's MODERATED comment board just demonstrates that there is no logical (read: unemotional) reason to oppose gay rights. And lifelong Democrat? How old are you, again? Remember back when Democrats had a strangehold on the south and vehemently opposed the ending of slavery?
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